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28/02/2024 - The Journey Starts

Isn't this nice? Just static HTML serving up some words to the world. Nekoweb seemed like the right pairing for what I'm trying to achieve. Doesn't it just make the content shine and take precedence. I pine for the "Original" web, where content was king and design was second to knowledge pursuit. The modern web is more akin to an advertising platform, than a library. There knowledge to be found sure, but it's hidden in a mountain of misinformation, dogma and self-promotion. Where your data is being sold for a song, remember if you can't work out the product it's you. Example why would Facebook, a company which doesn't charge for service, advertise what is to be gained? It must infer simply that selling your data is more valuable than a 2 million pound advertising budget. Makes you think doesn't it?

Enough about my ranting, about a bygone era lost to the winds of time. So what's the plan? Simple create a modern ERP/CMS/CRM/Content builder platform, devoid of bloat. Remember KISS (no not the band!), Keep it simple stupid. Yeah the software principle. Donald Knuth said "premature optimization is the root of all evil", but he forgot about over engineering another lesser evil of programmers everywhere. We're all smart guys right? right!. But sometimes we're too smart for out own good, we look for the smart solution, not the solution that simply solves the goal at hand. I understand achieving something more complex, is more satisfying. Dopamine that cruel mistress. Forgot jumping out planes, coding is full of ecstasy. It's the drug that keeps giving. Think about it, you've got a sandbox with potential limited over by your own ability. Conceive it and technically it can be done. But there is elegance in simplicity and we as developers should embrace this.

So how does this pertain to the current web ecosystem? Complexity is now king and it's a shame. The need for in-depth build processes for what should be a simple site. We've moved to Javascript driving sites, instead of enhancing them. Javascript is fast and efficient when it augments as opposed to constructs. Performance has also taken a massive dip as of late. Sure we have more computing power, but we shouldn't be getting sloppy as a result. Even look to the Windows side of things. Windows 98 needed 16MB of RAM, Windows 11 needs 16GB. But really what has changed? Visually things may have improved, but functionality remains consistent. That parallels the web in a similar manner. 20MB build files for Angular/React or Vue sites, when only a few years back JQuery was taboo for it's large file size, how the tables have turned. The tide may be turned though with Google pulling rank (Get it? Get it? Page "rank". Never mind) on performance, when big G talks people listen. The party line is now - "Performance is important". JS frameworks serve a purpose, it's a case of right tool for the job, they are application platforms and work well. However they are not CMS's or website content platforms. We shouldn't lose sight of that

So....for inferno I wanted to set some guidelines for myself for the offset. It's simple - it's simple. That's the main guideline but I've outlined my thinking below:

This represents a few basic rules, which I hope, emphasis hope, to employ during construction of inferno. With regards to inferno itself here is some of the highlights, of what I'm trying to achieve:

So there we have it. Thanks for sticking around for the brain dump (They'll be plenty more in the pipeline). I've been "V" and this has been a "V" production see you in the next one......

Huh? You not got something better to do, why are you still reading this. This isn't a movie there isn't any credits scene buddy.

- V